Friday, January 29, 2010

a sample of my column

If only They Can Speak
By: Aldren Deinla, II-SPA
October is the Wold's Animal Month. In these celebration, pets are blessed and given extra care in different parts of the globe including our country. But on the other side, dogs are mercilessly being drowned in the city pound of Cagayan de Oro under the supervision of the veterenarian, of all people.
Every public officials shoud also know that subjecting animals to cruelty including killing them by cruel means are prohibited by Republic Act of 1988 and that the vets as well as the cagayan de Oro officials can be prosecuted for such cruelty.
Let's face it, our country is faced with the problem of stray dogs due to mainly irresponsible owners. Most ruthless city officals sell the abandoned dogs to merchants who resell them yo restaurants and eateries, specializing in dog meat and most likely, some of the meat goes to Baguio, where eating dog meat is a hobby. This is also prohibited by the law. Most city pounds, after waiting a few days for the owners to to get back their pets and pay for their fines, put the unclaimed dogs to death and the most common method is by gasping them with carbon monoxide fron vehicle exhausts.
Ironically, some private animal welfare societies are doing the steps. The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) rescues abandoned dogs and cats but still, this welfare society gets no assistance from the government, national or local.
God created us fairly so we should love everything he created for us. Animals should be taken care of because they help us in such reasons. do we need to wait until the time comes that aimals will get their revenge because of cruelty that we have done on them?.

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